The School of Wellbeing materials

Data dodania:
3 listopada 2023
Typ materiału:
ćwiczenie/zadanie, publikacja, scenariusz zajęć
Poziom edukacji:
wszystkie poziomy edukacji
Dla kogo:
dyrektorzy i dyrektorki, nauczyciele i nauczycielki, rodzice
Obszar programowy:
zdrowie psychiczne i fizyczne
dobrostan, dobrostan cyfrowy, emocje, integracja, relacje, zdrowie psychiczne
CC-BY-SA 4.0

In the School of Wellbeing project we strengthen teachers, principals and educators in the area of supporting the mental health of young people and showing the role of the school in this area. We work within six topics: peer violence, digital wellbeing, self-esteem, depression and mood disorders, crisis intervention, class integration, equipping teachers with materials and ideas on how to build long-term change in schools.

The package of materials forms a coherent thematic sequence compromising knowledge, strategy and practice. 

From the KNOWLEDGE component, you will learn how to understand each of the six topics, what they actually are, and how they relate to school. We also dispel myths about them and describe typical activities undertaken by schools in this area. In this component, you will find texts, as well as infographics to use, for example, during presentations for parents at meetings or for colleagues from the teaching council or management.

In the STRATEGY component, you will find information on how wellbeing activities should be implemented at school in a logical and coherent way, involving the entire school community. This module also offers specific action strategies for each of the six areas.

The PRACTICE component includes ideas for interesting activities and tasks to use directly in class with students. These small things, when repeated, carry significant meaning as they support the process of building wellbeing in the class. Feel free to take and use them with your students during lessons or in other school situations.

In the INSPIRATIONS component we gathered stories from people working in schools who have used our materials and having successful implementations behind them, wanted to share their results with us and other teachers. These stories include what worked well in the classroom (best practices), what was challenging (what to pay attention to), serving to inspire other individuals to act for the well-being of the school and classroom.

The School of Wellbeing benefits from funding worth EUR 127,000 from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Funds. The project is co-financed by the Polish- American Freedom Foundation.

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