Digital Wellbeing Family Guide

Data dodania:
17 sierpnia 2023
Typ materiału:
Poziom edukacji:
szkoła podstawowa klasy 4-8, szkoła ponadpodstawowa
Dla kogo:
nauczyciele i nauczycielki, rodzice
Obszar programowy:
kompetencje cyfrowe i medialne
bezpieczeństwo w sieci, dobrostan cyfrowy, edukacja medialna, obywatelstwo cyfrowe
CC-BY-SA 4.0

A conversation guide to help you tackle the tough tech questions and navigate the digital world as a family. These days, it is especially important to take care of the digital well-being of the whole family. The guide offers suggestions on how to talk to your children about such topics as: playing online games, buying a smartphone, using social media and balancing online and offline life. The material is designed to encourage talking to each other, taking on digital challenges together, and supporting the development of habits that benefit the whole family.

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