Digital HI-storytelling. Research report

Data dodania:
3 marca 2022
Typ materiału:
Poziom edukacji:
szkoła podstawowa klasy 4-8, szkoła ponadpodstawowa
Dla kogo:
nauczyciele i nauczycielki
Obszar programowy:
krytyczne myślenie
aktywizacja, edukacja medialna, edukacja obywatelska, obywatelstwo cyfrowe
CC-BY-SA 4.0

Digital HI-storytelling. Research report is based on desk research on the use of digital tools and teaching methods and how they meet the needs of GenZ students, complemented by in-depth interviews with history teachers in the three partner countries.

Below you will find graphic materials based on the research, gathering common key topics and perspectives in history teaching for Poland, Spain and Belgium:
  • a map of key common topics in 20th century European history teaching
  • a map of common underrepresented perspectives in 20th century European history teaching
  • a detailed table with common key topics in teaching 20th century European history

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